The operating shell of Android, especially its latest versions, is different stability in work. One of the reasons many people buy a gadget running Android is a huge selection of entertainment utilities. But a situation often arises when, even on the most powerful devices, the utility refuses to start or gives an error. This article will discuss in detail the question of how to cope with the situation when games are not running on Android.
Why some Android games crash: Video
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Reasons for incorrect operation
There are several reasons why games on the platform are not working correctly or not working at all:
- The first reason is poor optimization. This phenomenon has become very common with the advent of multi-core processors.
- The second reason is that a version of the utility has not yet been released specifically for the user's device. For example, if the application is downloaded to a screen with Full HD, it will not work correctly with the version for HD screens. In this case, it remains only to wait for a new modification of the device.
- The third reason is that the game was downloaded for the wrong device. Do not forget that there are various models of processors and video accelerators, system requirements are specifically indicated in the instructions for the program.
- The fourth reason is the version Android is not supported by the application.
- The fifth reason is the mistake of the game developers themselves. If the utility does not work correctly on any device, you should report it to the Google Play support system.
- The last, sixth reason, the application cache was uploaded to the wrong folder. We will describe in detail how to deal with this in the second part of the article.
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What to do if games crash on Android

If games on Android crash, you can try several ways to fix this situation:
- The first way is to download one of the SEO programs on Google Play. Some of them begin to fully function after receiving Root access. After the optimization process, the system will run smoother and many games that previously crashed or did not work will start.
- The second way is to unload unnecessary applications from RAM. With its lack, the shell begins to choke and give errors.
- The third way is to install a new firmware version. To do this, go to the manufacturer's website. It is worth recalling that not all gadgets of previous generations have this option. For example, HTC does not have support for newer versions of Android for devices of previous generations. How to reflash yourself Android is detailed here.
- The fourth way is to reset the device to factory settings. There are times when users clog up the system so much that neither optimizers nor antiviruses can help. Then only a full reset can help. To do this, you need to go to 'Settings', then 'Backup' and 'Reset settings'. Sometimes this procedure helps.
- The fifth way is to take the gadget to the workshop. Possible hardware problem.
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How to get ROOT rights: Video
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Downloading Game Cache Correctly
Now let's describe the last common problem – incorrectly uploaded flash. As you know, all applications first require an apk-file and only after that the application itself starts downloading. Sometimes the cache is loaded into the wrong folder and the game refuses to work.
To fix the problems, you need to download the executable file to a memory card, then start the installation via a Wi-Fi network.
Some applications' cache takes up more than a gigabyte, so you just need to start the process and disconnect the network. Next, you need to download the executable file again and start the installation using the normal Internet. The cache files will need to be copied to the folders that were created when downloading via Wi-Fi. Such manipulations must be performed so as not to load the internal memory of the device.
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