Music recognition software for Android

 Music recognition software for Android Many people who use the Android operating shell do not know all of its capabilities. But the breadth of the platform's functionality is amazing. It is also possible to significantly expand the number of options due to applications that are released in dozens every day. In this essay, we will consider a program for music recognition for Android.

What are these utilities for?

Often people are faced with a situation when they want to download a song they have just heard, but there is no information about what it is called. For this, special programs were created, they allow you to find the desired track using a small excerpt from it.

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Recognition applications

Relatively few utilities with such functions have been created, consider some of them:

  1. The first is Shazam. Follow the link. The clear winner of almost all the charts, the music recognition software on Android. which still has no equal. Integrated with almost all popular social networks and services. Also, updates are constantly being released for her.
  2. The second is SoundHound. There is a paid and free version of the program. The first has a wider functionality. An experimental option was built into it, which could not be found among competitors – the ability to find compositions by the user's tune. An extremely controversial function, but, according to reviews, it still works in about half of the cases.
  3. The third is TrackID. In terms of functionality, it is little inferior to the second, while it is available to everyone absolutely free.
  4. The fourth is Sound Search. More tailored to work with the Google store. May not be available in all countries. It differs from the previous ones in reduced functions.

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This article answered the question of what the program for music recognition on Android is called, and provided a list of the most popular utilities.

Which one to choose will depend specifically on each user and their needs. The market for such programs is expanding and it is easy to choose what you like, both among paid and free analogues.

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Music recognition software for Android: Video

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