What is the clipboard on Android phones and tablets

Buffer Android I'll tell you a little about the exchange buffer on Android, because it has been noticed that some ordinary users who are not close to technology are confused by the concept of this term.

What it is?

This is the memory in the device, which is responsible, as you can imagine, for storing any information, mainly text, or images, video. It is present in all Android devices, because it is a standard function of the operating system.

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How to use it?

For example, to copy a fragment from an article, in the browser, hold down on the desired area of ​​the text so that two delimiters appear. Set the boundaries of the starting point and the last, so that between them there is the information you are interested in that you want to copy, and click 'Copy' (in some situations, it is also available to 'Cut').

Select and copy text

Then the selected fragment will be copied to the clipboard. Next, open a notebook or some kind of notebook on the device and again from an empty space, hold down on the screen until the window with the 'Paste' function pops up, click on it to paste the copied text. You can work with files in the same way, for example in Explorer.

Opening a new document Paste copied text

If you are interested in where in the Android exchange buffer, then there is only one answer – in RAM. You see, the fact is that as such a file does not exist in the system, it is RAM, which is allocated for temporary files, and in the future can clean itself itself. For example, when watching online videos, the uploaded video is saved into it, and after viewing it is erased.

If you are still interested in the issue of RAM, we have separate articles, which similarly explain how you can increase RAM or how to free RAM on Android.

But on some models it is possible to go to the clipboard on Android, since not one, but several saved fragments can be stored there, that is, the function of selecting the necessary information for insertion. To do this, in the field where you want to paste, after a long tap on the display, select 'Clipboard' to call up all the information stored in it.

Selecting the information you want to insert

Note: this function is not available in all devices, it is definitely available in Android4.4 from the manufacturers Samsung LG.

If this is memory and information is stored there, then it is logical that it takes up free space, then you ask how it can be cleared on Android devices. Yes, that's right, but it takes up a very small part of the available space, I think, less than 1 mb, because the text weighs very little, and everything else, it won't store more than two copies at the same time, will clear itself. But in general there is an opportunity for you to clear it all, just as when choosing the desired text, hold down on one of the available ones until crosses appear above each fragment, and delete the unnecessary one.

Removing unnecessary fragments

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How to enter and clear the clipboard on Android: Video

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