As part of this article, we will explain in detail how to set Linux to Android. To install and fully operate the alternative system, you will need: a smartphone or tablet, a software emulator, root rights, and several gigabytes of free space.
Installing the Complete Linux Installer application
We enter the word “emulator” into the Google Play search menu and get a list of several dozen roughly the same utilities. They are all good, but we focused on the Complete Linux Installer app. It is completely free, beautifully localized, and comes with detailed instructions for beginners. The program can be downloaded at. The algorithm for installing the program is no different than installing any other software, so we will not dwell on this point.
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Working with the Complete Linux Installer application
Before starting to work with the program, I would like to emphasize again: what we are describing in this article is not installation Linux instead of Android, but emulation of the operation of one system in another.
So, we launch the application and agree to the installation of additional software components. It is the work with these modules that will greatly facilitate your work in the OS Linux.

As mentioned earlier, this software requires root rights to fully function, which the application will remind you of in a pop-up window. We provide the program with full access to the system functions of the mobile device.

This completes the initial preparation of the emulator for work. The main menu of the application will open in front of you. We pass to the sub-item “Installation Guide”.

The emulator will scan the hardware of your gadget and give you a list of operating systems that are guaranteed to run on your mobile device. Let's take Ubuntu 13.10 as an example.

From this point on, the program begins to “guide” you through the stages of installing the operating system, accompanying each necessary action with detailed instructions. For example, after familiarizing yourself with the requirements of the emulator in the first step, be sure to install “Terminal” and “VNC Viewer” on the second. Only then select the item “Download image”.

Read the description of the differences between Linux distributions and choose the one that suits you.
Next, tell the application the preferred method for obtaining the archive with the system image (direct download or download using a torrent client) and wait until the file is downloaded. You can learn how to work with torrent files on Android devices from our other article.
Create a folder with the name of the future system in the root of the external drive of the gadget. This will make it much easier for the program to find the files it needs. In our case, we are creating the “Ubuntu” directory. Unpack the downloaded archive into this folder.

As a result, two files should appear in the “Ubuntu” directory. One of them is with the .img extension. This is the image of the Linux platform being launched.
After completing the above steps, go to the “Run” sub-item of the complete Linux Installer main menu and go to the “Settings” sub-menu in the upper right corner of the window. After selecting the “Change” option, give the application the full path to the system executable file. Confirm your choice by clicking on the “Save changes” button.

This completes the next stage of installing an alternative operating system into the memory of your gadget. Feel free to choose the “Start Linux” option.

The application in the background will launch the terminal to execute test commands and request root access for it to the system functions of the device. We allow.

Now your smartphone or tablet will be able to work as an emulator Linux for Android and you will have access to all the features of the OS with a penguin on the logo – from executing the simplest commands in the terminal to installing a full-fledged graphical environment.

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