Did you know that you can Jailbreak iPhone using your Android smartphone (with root rights)? Not everyone knows, but it's a fact.
A rooted Android smartphone provides many additional features for the user, which cannot be said about the iPhone, where the developer strictly monitors security and fixes the slightest bugs that make it possible to hack (Jailbreak).
In fact, Jailbreak to iPhone is similar to rooting an Android smartphone. You turn off built-in protection and give yourself elevated rights on the device. But if getting root rights on Android has long been the easiest task, it is rather difficult to Jailbreak to iPhone. And as a rule, the possibility of hacking iPhone depends on its OS version.
For example, one of the first solutions from the team of enthusiasts “Checkra1n” only works on iOS 13 and uses an in-memory exploit when the system boots (boot ROM). This is one of the only Jailbreak solutions that will work when updating the OS version to an iPhone. But the main drawback is that you will have to Jailbreak every time you restart the device.
But there were enthusiasts who used an Android smartphone with root privileges to jailbreak an iPhone. The instruction is further in the article.
Stage 1. Preparation
- You need iPhone or iPad from version iPhone 5s to iPhone X, operating system version iOS 12.3 and above.
- Android smartphone with root rights, if possible, with a newer version Android and kernel Linux. A team of enthusiasts jailbreak with an Xperia XZ1 on Aadroid 10 with linux 4.14.
- Terminal on Android smartphone.
- Cable for connecting two devices. An adapter is required, as in the photo above. Some Apple USB-C cables do not work because they do not have contacts to transfer iPhone to DFU mode.
to the content
Stage 2. Jailbreak
- Download binary file for Linux. The architecture of your Android smartphone can be different – arm, arm64, i486. To find out the architecture of your device, use the following ADB command on your computer by connecting your Android device directly by cable. Having worked it out, the team will give out the type of architecture of your Android smartphone.
adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi
- Move the downloaded file to “/ data” on your rooted Android device.
- Connect iPhone via cable to the Android device.
- Open a terminal and get root access using the “su“ command.
- Enter the command “lsusb“ to check if iPhone is recognized. The ID should show “05ac: 12a8“.
- Transfer iPhone (iPad) to DFU mode (device firmware update).
- Check with the command “lsusb“ if iPhone is recognized. The id should show “05ac: 1227“.
- Run the previously downloaded file “checkra1n” in CLI mode using the command “./checkra1n -c“.
- Jailbreak done.
This method sometimes fails. Just go back to step # 1 and repeat everything.
ATTENTION! Jailbreak is a hack iPhone / iPad, the author of the article does not induce any actions and does not bear any responsibility. The article is for informational purposes only. All actions you perform at your own peril and risk.