From this article you will learn where and how to buy VK subscribers, as well as:
- What subtleties you need to know to order VK subscribers without write-offs.
- How much does this service cost?
- What the ordering procedure looks like on a regular website.
- How to choose the right service so as not to be deceived.
How to buy VKontakte subscribers cheaply without bots and write-offs
Social networks are the leading platforms for dating, communication and even business creation today. And any indicators on the page, whether they are followers or likes, are a kind of currency among users. Many users are greatly concerned about the question of how to gain a large and active audience and at the same time in a short time? The answer is simple: the more public a profile has, the more people will be drawn to it. And there is nothing easier than buying VKontakte subscribers using specialized services.
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Where subscribers are sold
We have selected for you examples of some commercial sites where you can make the most profitable and safe purchase. In the future, this collection will help you in analyzing the work of such organizations.
- – on this site you can purchase a variety of services for adding resources, including subscribers, both wholesale and retail. This will allow you to get significant discounts and save your budget. So, for 1000 subscribers, you will give about 420 rubles. At the same time, there is an opportunity to receive bonuses on the site.
- is a very popular service where you can buy VK subscribers at a price of 409 rubles. for 1000 pages subscribed to your profile. The site is distinguished from others not only by the high quality of service, but also by the excellent work of technical support. Experienced and qualified employees will help you sort out any issue related to the process of obtaining the required resource.
- – this site still has a limited offer for wholesale purchases, but nevertheless it is the most stable resource. And this is due to the fact that this service has been working in the direction of SMM services for a long time and has confidently consolidated its position in this area. So, 1000 accounts here costs 400 rubles.
But, unfortunately, the joy of a purchase can sometimes be overshadowed by write-offs of indicators or a block for an indefinite time. Therefore, experts advise against rushing into such acquisitions.
To begin with, before you buy subscribers in VK, you need to learn some tricks and tricks that will help you avoid falling under the filters of the social network and avoid disastrous consequences:
- First you need to make sure that your account grabs attention and looks solid. Even if you choose the best service to buy VK subscribers and at the same time have a half-empty page, the chances that all results will be written off are greatly increased. Therefore, try to choose an appropriate avatar for the profile (and not just a picture, but a real photo or logo of the organization), and also fill in the basic information. So users will treat the profile with great confidence, which means that there will be no complaints to administrators about the allegedly fake page.
- Next, watch the content that you load on the page. There should be nothing prohibited by social media rules and ethics rules. For example, if you want to post a photo of a customer with a product, then first ask his permission. Well, in each of your posts there should be no obscene words and publications of prohibited materials. Don't get caught up in the filters once again.
- You should also not try to buy VKontakte subscribers to the page on the same day it was created. At least one month must pass from the moment of the birth of a new account to the start of replenishing the counters on it. At the same time, it is desirable to already have a certain audience. It can consist of real acquaintances or friends, you just have to ask them to subscribe to you as a sign of friendship.
- Also of great importance is the professionalism of those who will directly provide you a service. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right seller, from whom it will be safe to buy real VKontakte subscribers, so as not to end up with a broken trough or, as in our case, with a blocked page. What you need to pay attention to when choosing a performer, we will tell you below.
- And what really shouldn't be done is to acquire resources at once in huge portions. If we talk about the limits, then their size is no more than 300-500 subscribers per day. But since the wholesale wrapping is more profitable, you can specify in the order so that the entire ordered volume is distributed over several days.
- Also, don't rely entirely on services. Still, more than half of the subscribers should be real accounts, on the addition of which you worked hard on your own.
Thus, if you competently approach the issue of buying VKontakte subscribers and do not try to cover all horizons at once, you will be able to form a convincing audience without unnecessary risks. Therefore, it is advisable to be patient.
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How much does it cost to buy 1000 VK subscribers per page 
We figured out how you can increase the counter so as not to fall out of the favor of social network filters. As you already understood, the promotion itself is not so scary and therefore there is nothing terrible in it. But many still doubt its availability and think that they cannot afford the help of professionals.
Let's look at how much it will cost to buy 1000 VKontakte subscribers per page. If we analyze the prices of the most popular commercial sites on the Runet, we can deduce the average price range: from 350 to 900 rubles per 1000 subscribers. You probably noticed a big difference in prices right away, so we'll tell you where they come from and what they depend on:
- Seller's investments in their promotion. The SMM sphere, like any business, requires investments in advertising to find new clients. And it's no secret that if you went to the site by clicking on an advertising banner, then this is a paid transition and most likely these costs are already included in the price. Therefore, it is better to find a service based on reviews and recommendations, and not blindly follow advertising.
- The list of expenses also includes the purchase of proxy servers so that you can buy live VKontakte subscribers cheap and safe for the page. Some sites use this option to increase the audience, but the rates for this service remain very high in relation to other options. Most often, this process is used to promote groups and publics. Although there are quite reasonable prices for the purchase of subscribers to the VKontakte group on commercial sites.
- Targeting and other additions to the order that will complicate the work flow. Everything is clear here, because the more laborious it will be for the seller to perform the wrapping for you, the more payment he will ask for. As for targeting directly, this is a rather complicated process for execution, therefore, such a promotion is very expensive.
- Of course, as in any market, the seller buys a database of accounts from his supplier. Therefore, initially he is based on his prices. And proceeding from the purchase price, it makes its own markup. Someone has modest appetites and does not wind up a huge percentage of the purchase, but someone wants to cook more. Therefore, quite often you can find different prices for the seemingly one and the same service.
- Competition is the lever that helps regulate prices and allows you to buy VKontakte subscribers cheaply. Dealers who want to gain customers, and not lose them, try to offer their customers the most favorable conditions. For this, various promotions and discounts are invented, prices are reduced. For example, a wholesale purchase is cheaper per unit than buying the same amount at retail.
- And, of course, it all depends on the quality of the accounts that subscribe to you. If the budget is limited, then you can choose bots, since they are the cheapest. But at the same time, these will be inactive accounts with poorly filled pages. However, if you just want the extras, it doesn't matter. But for high-quality promotion, it is better to acquire more active subscribers, since you can already expect reposts and likes from them.
So, we tried to tell you not only how much it costs to buy 1000 VKontakte subscribers per page, but also what this price may depend on. As you can see, there are many factors that can affect your costs in one way or another.
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How to order VK subscribers – using the example of a popular site 
If you think that in order to wind up followers, you need some knowledge and skills, we want to dissuade you. We will give an example of how to order VK subscribers on one of the most popular sites on the Internet. And you will see for yourself how easy, fast and simple you can become the owner of a huge audience:
- To get started, go to the main page of the service for paid cheat for VK subscribers.
- Now in the 'Wholesale Services' tab you can select the desired social network and the desired resource. In our case, it will be 'Friends of VKontakte'.
- Next, you need to select the required number of friends. If you want to buy VK subscribers inexpensively, then you can choose 1000 people, so it will be slightly cheaper.
- Then you can send the item to the cart and proceed to checkout or continue shopping. We will choose a checkout option.
- Go to your shopping cart and click on the 'Checkout' button. At the same time, you can check if you have chosen the right resource and in the right quantity.
- On the screen, you will see the user agreement, which you will be offered to read. Be sure to study all the points so that later there is no misunderstanding with the seller.
- Now you will need to fill in some fields. Namely: specify an email address and insert a link to the page for cheating. Also in a separate line 'Comments to the order' you can indicate your wishes. For example, so that the site does not add the entire ordered volume of followers to your page at once, but distributes it over 2-3 days.
- Now you can proceed to payment. To do this, you need to choose a suitable and convenient payment method. With any method, it is possible to pay for the order with a bank card. After choosing a convenient payment option, you will be redirected to the website of the payment acceptance service. There you will need to select the card with which you will pay for the order.
- Well, after you pay for everything, a letter will come with information that the order has been accepted and will soon be processed. Now all that remains is to wait, fortunately, this is not so long.
This is how in just a few steps you can order VKontakte subscribers and it is not necessary for this to have any knowledge in the field of cheating. You just need to choose a reliable seller.
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Where can you buy VK subscribers cheaper and safer 
We found out that the promotion is quite democratic in price and you can order it literally in no time. And finally, we came to the topic of selecting a service, where it will be possible to buy VK subscribers not only cheaply, but also safely. Not many people pay due attention to this issue, and try to order services on the first site that catches their eye. But so, unfortunately, there is a chance to get to ordinary scammers who can leave you without money and without a completed order.
To prevent such unpleasant situations from arising, we will give several tips, following which you can choose the perfect service not only in terms of price, but also in terms of quality of services:
- To begin with, try to choose sites where there are no unnecessary difficulties for placing an order and where you can go to any page, bypassing authorization. The registration requirement itself does not really color the service and, in addition, takes up the client's time.
- There are services where it is already at the entrance, before you buy VKontakte subscribers, you are asked to log in through any social network. We do not recommend doing this, since in this case you can lose control over your page and you will have to carry out some manipulations in order to regain the rights to use your account.
- Of course, you should not choose the most expensive service in the hope that there will be real quality. As it turned out above, a high price does not mean a guarantee of quality. By the way, about guarantees: it is better to choose a service on which there is an opportunity to use them. This suggests that the seller is confident in his abilities, which means that he is sufficiently experienced in these matters.
- Also, try not to get involved with those resources where they ask to pay for the order simply on a bank card or on any electronic wallet. Firstly, this is rather frivolous and a self-respecting service will not work according to such rules. And, secondly, your payments and data are not protected in any way. Therefore, it is better to ask if it is possible to order a cheat for VKontakte subscribers and pay for it through special payment systems.
- When choosing a service, be sure to focus on the reviews that users write on various forums. In general, forums are an excellent platform for finding like-minded people, as well as discussing promotion issues. Only if there are offered to buy VKontakte subscribers inexpensively unknown private performers, then it is better not to consider this option. As these are not the most reliable sellers.
- When you more or less decide on the site where to buy VKontakte subscribers, then try to establish communication with the managers. You need to make sure that they will be able to properly answer you any questions related to the process of performing the service, and also whether they will not leave you alone with the problem.
- Well, do not forget about the need to make test orders. In order to buy VK subscribers cheaply, you can choose the smallest amount of a resource – about a hundred people. But even then the quality of the site and the speed of service will become clear.
We hope that our tips will help you find where to buy VK subscribers, and with our recommendations you will be able to find a good service without too many risks.