WhatsApp has received a big update. What's new

Despite the fact that the Telegram audience is growing by leaps and bounds today, WhatsApp remains the most popular messenger. It is used by more than two billion people around the world, leaving it out of reach of all other messaging services. But this popularity did not arise out of nowhere. Obviously, the WhatsApp developers have gone to great lengths to turn a decent messaging service into a mega-friendly social tool.

WhatsApp has received a big update.  What's new

WhatsApp gets features that users have been asking for for a long time

WhatsApp for Android received a major update tonight. A similar update was released for iOS and Mac. You should not expect a redesign or a radical change in management principles from him – with this, the messenger had everything quite ok before. However, when creating a new version, the developers took into account the wishes of users and brought them to life, increasing the overall usability of the application and filling the existing gaps that impede comfortable use.

Animated Stickers in WhatsApp

The first thing to look out for is, of course, the animated stickers. WhatsApp followed Telegram and revived the stickers that users exchange with each other. While the set of available animations is very limited, it is obvious that their number will only grow over time. Has the messenger become more convenient? Hardly. But the users were clearly more interested.

But the function of scanning QR codes will clearly add convenience to users. Thanks to it, it will be possible to add new users to conversations by scanning their business card, encrypted in a QR code. All you need to do is to point the camera of your smartphone at the smartphone of your interlocutor with an open business card when you meet and confirm the addition. This is much more convenient than rewriting the number manually.

WhatsApp video calls

WhatsApp has received a big update.  What's new

WhatsApp video calls have become more convenient

The video calling mode has also undergone some changes aimed at improving the usability. Now, thanks to a special mechanism in group calls, the speaker's window will stand out against the general background. This will allow you to understand exactly who is speaking at the moment, and not to confuse who to answer. Recently, with the release of iOS 13.5 in May, a similar feature appeared in FaceTime.

In addition, the participants in group chats have the opportunity to immediately call a video conference. To do this, the interface of such a chat provides a special dial-up button for all participants in the conversation. Any of those present can click on it and call everyone else to a conversation. It would seem that such a logical and simple button should have always existed, but the developers have guessed to add it only now.

Night theme in WhatsApp on computer

WhatsApp has received a big update.  What's new

Night theme is finally available on WhatsApp desktop

Well, the final innovation is support for the night theme for the desktop version of the messenger. It is available on macOS, Windows, and Linux. Now users of these desktop platforms will be able to activate it forcibly in the messenger settings, regardless of whether they have the system night theme enabled or not.

Download WhatsApp update for Android

The update is already available for download to all users, without exception. You can download it from Google Play using this link, or wait for the update to download itself, if you have the auto-update function enabled. In this case, the new version of the messenger may be delayed a little, because in order to save energy Android it checks for fresh updates only 1-2 times a day, accumulates them and only then installs everything in bulk.

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