SСR pro program for capturing video from the screen on Android

Screen video recording I can say with confidence that absolutely any person who actively uses the YоuTube service has at least once seen videos taken from the Android screen: either it was a stream of a toy, for example, on the passage, or an instruction filmed by someone something for your channel.

Surely you asked yourself the question of how this is done, because from the standard functionality you can only take screenshots of the screen contents, not video. And many, especially those who like to play, would like to post the walkthrough and their achievements in their favorite game to friends on their YоuTube channel. There is more than one OS program for video streaming Android, there are both free and paid ones.

I want to make a note right away that 90% of all such products will require Root rights, the remaining 10%, if they do not ask, will work correctly only on certain models, therefore, in order not to waste time, make sure that your tablet has the rights superuser.

How to get ROOT rights: Video

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SCR Pro application

This article will discuss how to capture video from the Android screen. I will talk about the SCR Pro application.

Android SСR pro program

From my experience – this is the most stable program for recording video from the screen on Android, it has a large number of settings or ready-made presets for specific models, which greatly simplifies the work; the recorded video is of high quality and does not take up gigabytes of space, which is a huge plus in comparison with some similar products.
I will tell you how to record video from the Android screen using SCR Pro, and how to use it in general.

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How to take video from the screen of an Android device: Video

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  1. Run the application (a small panel with three buttons 'Record', 'Settings', 'Exit' will be displayed).

    Application launch

  2. Next, go to the settings (second button) to see what the program has to offer.

    SCR settings

  3. Next, you will see the 'Presets' panel: find the name of your model in it and select – here will be the most optimal settings for your device.

    Presets Panel

  4. If suddenly your tablet is not very popular and no presets were found, you should try to correct it manually by trying a combination of changing the 'Encoder' and 'Image Processing', for each device it may be different.

    Coder Image processing

  5. When adjusting the resolution, keep in mind that the highest resolution will produce the best quality, but may reduce the smoothness of recording and overall performance. Especially if you want to stream games. Normal smoothness can be guaranteed only on top-end devices, where the video accelerator is not lower than Andreno 320. So try, choose.


  6. You can also select the source of sound recording: whether you want sounds to be recorded from the system, or from the microphone.

    Sound recording source

  7. Activate or hide the pointer on touch.

    Activate or hide the pointer

  8. Activate video from the front camera (it is very convenient if you are recording a presentation, or a manual of something, while your image will be in one of the corners, etc.).

    Front camera activation

  9. Recording is activated by a red button on the panel, which, by the way, can be moved to any place on the screen.

As you can see, SCR Pro is a fairly good program for recording video from the Android tablet screen, with a rich selection of settings. I hope no one will have any problems with it, I wish you all good ideas for recording.

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Android Screen Recording: Video

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