Despite the fact that at one time the night theme formed a whole cult around itself, now the passionate interest of users in this phenomenon has somehow subsided. You might think that all the developers have already added the night theme to their applications, but this is not the case. It's just that this trend, like any other, had a limited 'shelf life', and after its expiration it simply ceased to attract attention. However, what seemed to some to be just a temporary trend was to others a long-term project. For example, for Google, which still hasn't finished developing night themes in its apps and services.
Chrome finally works fine with the night theme
Google is working on expanding the coverage of the night theme in Chrome for Android. If earlier users of the browser were asked to translate only its interface into dark colors, then with the release of one of the next updates, night mode will also apply to the content of web pages, which previously had the color that the developers set for it. This will make web surfing in low light conditions more comfortable, since it will reduce the strain on the user's eyes, and also save battery life on smartphones with AMOLED – screens.
How to enable night theme in Chrome for websites
Soon, Chrome sites won't switch to light mode if browser is dark
Yes, advanced users know that in the experimental Google Chrome menu there was a parameter # enable-force-dark, which allowed to darken not only the interface, but also the content itself. However, due to the lack of proper optimization, its activation could lead to incorrect display of some elements, as well as simply knock down the layout. Therefore, many did not dare to apply this mechanism in practice – after all, if the night theme interferes with comfortable web surfing, what is the point in it? Now this will not happen.
At first, it will only be possible to enable the night theme for web content in Chrome through the experimental menu. Obviously, this is due to the fact that Google is still not completely sure about the degree of optimization of the innovation, and therefore only offers advanced users to experiment with it. After all, it is assumed that the rank and file not only will not climb to turn on something in the hidden settings menu, but do not even know how to get there. However, if you are one of those, but really want, here's an instruction for you:
How to open a hidden menu in Chrome
- Start Chrome and write the address chrome: // flags;
- You will be taken to a menu with flags, or experimental options, which are disabled by default;
Anyone can get into the experimental Chrome menu
- In the search bar of the experimental menu, write enable-android-dark-search;
- Opposite the parameter, open the drop-down menu and select Enabled;
- Then wait until the Relaunch button appears at the bottom, and click on it to restart the browser – after that, the night theme should take effect in the web pages.
When will the Google Chrome update come out?
At the moment, the new parameter is available only in the test version of Google Chrome, but, as practice shows, it should appear in the traditional one within a couple of weeks. This does not necessarily have to happen with the release of an update on Google Play – Google has a habit of secretly distributing updates and small patches with experimental features. To do this, the company simply applies the necessary changes on its servers and the functions it needs appear in the applications, regardless of the content.
But when the night theme for web pages will be enabled in Chrome for Android by default, it is not very clear. Most likely, Google will need several months for this. Therefore, I would bet that the company will release the corresponding innovation no earlier than August. It is for this month, if you remember, that the search giant is planning to release a new mechanism for blocking banner ads, which should reduce the load exerted by the browser on the processor, and, accordingly, increase the battery life.