Splendid – Smartphone Color Adjustment

Splendid - color setting If you spend a lot of time in front of a smartphone or tablet screen, the strain on your eyes is enormous. The proprietary Splendid application (a standard program in Asus smartphones / tablets) allows you to adjust the color mode in the device so that the eyes are not so tired and not overstrained.

Balanced color mode is selected by default. The only setting here is going from cool to warm colors. Move the slider to the appropriate effect.

Adjusting the color rendering

Another mode is Blue Filter. Filters blue to reduce eye fatigue. I recommend activating it if your eyes get tired quickly.

Blue filter

Vivid Color Mode – Suitable for when you are outdoors on a sunny day. Set the brightness to maximum. But remember that the drain on the battery will increase.

Color mode

And Custom mode, where you set all the color rendering settings yourself:

  • warm and cold tones,
  • color (RGB palette is used),
  • color saturation (from black and white to rich color).

Custom mode

Select the Refresh icon (two arrows) to reset all settings. Protect your eyesight!

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