Google added a block with games to Chrome for Android

It's really hard to come up with a more user-friendly mobile browser than Google Chrome. Of course, there will certainly be those who say that there is Firefox, Opera or Brave, which surpass the brainchild of Google in terms of security and performance, but the colossal audience of Chrome speaks for itself. Not that I thought that the majority cannot be wrong, rather, quite the opposite, but do you really think that so many people would use an inconvenient browser? I don’t think so. However, the leadership position does not prevent Google from continuing to develop Chrome, equipping it with new features, and not necessarily useful.

Google added a block with games to Chrome for Android

Google turns Chrome into a kind of gaming platform

Google has decided to embed a section with browser games in mobile Chrome. This is not a separate directory inside the browser, as one might think, but a small block with a recommendation of a particular game that appears on the home page, right between the frequently visited tabs and the section with recommended news. Every day the content of the block changes, and users are offered a new game. In any case, during the three days during which Google offers games, there have been exactly three of them: Ghost Rush, Minesweeper and Tic Tac Toe.

How to run games in Chrome

Google added a block with games to Chrome for Android

Games appeared in Google Chrome, but you still won't be given a choice

To activate the game, just click on the blue 'Play' button, which is located in the recommendation window, and you will immediately be transferred to the URL of this game, which is located in a separate window. This happens almost instantly, however some games require additional loading of additional components to make the gameplay as seamless as possible. Because of this, from the moment of activation to the immediate start of the game, it can take from a few seconds to about a minute.

However, in most cases this is not required either. Apparently, Google specifically selects such games so as not to overload users' devices and not keep them waiting. After all, in the end, games in a bruiser appeared to give users the opportunity to take a free minute. And if it takes too much time to download them, they obviously won't be popular either. In any case, among the vast majority of those who use Chrome.

What games are there in Google Chrome

Despite the fact that games change every day, Google does not allow us to see what it will offer us to play tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. That is, there is no directory with browser time killers, and therefore those who need to somehow kill time have to play what they give, without the opportunity to choose something to their liking on their own. This is rather strange considering that Google apparently has some sort of assortment that allows it to update the block on a daily basis and offer something new.

Is a game block really necessary in a mobile browser? Well, from a practical point of view, absolutely unnecessary. Still, the vast majority of users rarely need to kill time in the browser, and if it does, the running dinosaur Dino was more than enough for this purpose. But, apparently, Google decided that there is a category of users who from time to time feel the need to occupy themselves with something in minutes of idleness and for whom the games installed from Google Play are completely unsuitable.

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