On July 1, 2020, the so-called law on Russian software comes into force in Russia. Technically, this is not some kind of independent law, but simply amendments to the already existing law 'On the protection of consumer rights', but no one calls it that. However, there is nothing surprising here. After all, who can be interested in any amendments? And in the wording “about Russian software” there is something categorical and all-embracing with a slight trail of repressiveness. But, apparently, the smartphone manufacturers themselves, to whom the new amendments are directed, do not at all think that they are being forced to do something out of the ordinary.
The law on Russian software is too overrated
Following Samsung and Xiaomi, the company Huawei expressed its readiness to ensure the possibility of preinstalling Russian software on its smartphones, as required by local legislation. True, unlike the first two who agreed, Huawei prefers to avoid precise wording in his statements, noting that he is still trying to find a solution that will be optimal for all market participants. This probably means that the Chinese are working on several scenarios at once, since now the law does not determine those responsible for the installation.
Who will install Russian software
Huawei don't mind installing Russian software, but doesn't know yet who will do it
Despite the lack of specifics, representatives Huawei confirmed their readiness to cooperate with Russian software developers, which, in fact, can be considered as consent to the pre-installation. Another thing is that it is not yet entirely clear who exactly the legislator will impose the obligation to ensure the possibility of installing domestic software. Now it can equally be both the manufacturer itself and the distributor who distributes the brand's branded products in the Russian Federation, and even retailers from among the retail partners Huawei.
But, most likely, the preinstallation will be done by itself Huawei, since it is in its interests to make Russian applications work correctly on their devices. After all, if all other manufacturers have access to Google Mobile Services, on the basis of which almost all software for Android works, Huawei, you have to be content with services of their own design, with which about 50 thousand applications are compatible. Therefore, if a company wants software from local developers to work correctly, and frustrated users do not take its smartphones back to stores, it will have to do everything on its own, and do it as well as possible.
What is the risk of installing Russian software
By and large Huawei, agreeing to the preinstallation of Russian software does not really lose anything. It does not have its own messenger, does not have its own cards, and even the payment service Huawei Pay, which the company launched some time ago, does not work in Russia. Therefore, the installation of Mir Pay and other related applications like 'Yandex.Maps', on which he will probably bet Huawei, will not deprive her of profit, but will only play into the hands, given that finding a common language with the company's American software suppliers never succeeded.
To date, only three companies have confirmed their readiness to start pre-installing Russian software. However, I have no doubt that by the time the law enters into force, those who have not yet expressed their consent will simply do so without any statements. Indeed, in fact, for Android there is no difference which software to install, while for iOS, due to its openness, some problems may arise with this. Therefore, it will be more interesting to watch exactly for Apple, which, according to the law, will have to open NFC in its iPhone for Mir Pay, and therefore for all other payment services.