Judging by the queues in the stores of building materials, goods for repairs and home, everyone faces such work, plus or minus. Application developers also understand this and are preparing applications for smartphone users that will help great in this. Some are a reference and a collection of tips, others are ready to offer tools like a level and a tape measure, and still others just allow you to mentally prepare for such a difficult task as repairs. If you've already started or just want to do something with your home, the apps on this list are great for you.
Building and renovation is more difficult than it sounds.
Bosch Toolbox – for work and home
There is a saying: 'My home is my castle'. In order to ensure that we feel absolutely comfortable in our home, we make every possible effort in terms of renovation and design, so that we will be comfortable in this fortress for many years to come. Applications that help with this are commonly called “Do It Yourself” or in the English version DIY (Do It Yourself). Here are some great apps from this category.
Bosch Toolbox – the same Bosch
You will find some really useful functions in Bosch Toolbox. For example, you can access the measurement chamber function. Take a picture, and then apply all the features of the room to it. For example, wiring, connections, ventilation, amplifiers, and more.
Notes can be taken manually, by voice or video for future reference. The Professional Wizard can also be used by Bosch Toolbox to enhance its daily work by creating progress reports that can then be exported to PDF and TXT formats. This makes it much easier to send the results of your work to the customer.
Bosch Toolbox
To use the measurement camera function, you need to give the app permission to use the camera, access files and location data.
The latest update at the time of publication of the article was released in April 2020. Most importantly, the app is free and there are no in-app purchases.
Download Bosch Toolbox
Toolbox is such a tool
If you don't want that kind of productivity with a professional focus and just want the most essential tools right in your smartphone, you can take a look at the Toolbox app. It includes useful functions such as barcode scanner, protractor, level, ruler, plumb bob and audio volume meter. Using the app is quite simple, but there is also a help section where you can find answers and tips.
This application is also free, and if you just need a set of tools, then perhaps this option will be the most correct choice.
Download Toolbox
DIY 4 Beginners – Start All Over
If you are just starting to do something on your own, you will face some difficulties. This is completely normal and everyone who encounters something new for himself does not understand for some time what is happening around him.
If you find yourself in such a situation, DIY 4 Beginners app will do just fine. In the settings, you can choose one of 17 languages. In addition to standard features such as a converter calculator and gyroscope, there are other useful things that can make your life easier.
DIY 4 Beginners
In the application you can find useful articles on various construction and renovation topics. From them you will learn how to do something better, and how something cannot be done. There are a lot of these articles and almost all of them are made with photographs, having studied which, you will learn much more about the topic of interest.
Download DIY 4 Beginners from Google Play
Room planner – a comfortable home layout
To really feel comfortable at home, you need to understand how you want to do everything there. For example, the color of the walls, floors, windows and in general, you need a complete picture of how the room will look after finishing work. This is the main purpose of the Room Planner app. True, you cannot create a floor plan with drawing accuracy – there will still be some assumptions, but it will still be much clearer than drawing with a pencil on paper.
Room Planner
In the plan adjustment mode, there is a decrease and increase, change the location of doors and windows and some other things. You can also fill in sketches with furniture (such as furniture from IKEA) of your choice. If you don't like IKEA, anyway, placing a wardrobe and an armchair even from this store will make it much clearer how the room will look even with other pieces of furniture.
Download Room Planner from Goolge Play
All the apps in this article are free, but Room Planner, for example, has in-app purchases. Here you already need to understand what you need, but with these applications, repair or construction can be at least a little bit, but easier. After all, those who have encountered repairs are well aware of what it is and how you want to simplify this process at least a little.
In our Telegram chat, you can discuss these applications and tell which ones you use.