Charging is probably one of the most dangerous impacts that a smartphone can be exposed to during operation. Not only is it directly connected to the power grid at this time, the voltage surges of which can damage the battery, especially if counterfeit equipment is used, but any charging, frankly speaking, reduces its resource. As a result, the battery, although it is saturated with energy, loses its capacity each time. To reduce this impact, users began to invent various techniques, supposedly to delay battery aging. For example, a ban on charging up to 100%. Let's figure out what is wrong here.
They say charging up to 100% is dangerous. But is it really so?
Let's start with the fact that there is no direct prohibition on charging a smartphone to 100%. Nevertheless, this belief appeared a very long time ago, and since then it literally does not let many users sleep, who, like madmen, are forced to monitor the saturation level of the batteries of their devices, poking at their screens every 10 minutes to make sure that the charging has not gone above 80%.
How to charge your smartphone to Android
Charging between 20% and 80% does reduce the load on the battery, but in this case, you just charge your smartphone more often.
I won't say that it makes no sense. Indeed, if you charge your smartphone from 20% to 80%, it will not use up a full charge cycle, but, for example, 0.3-0.4 cycles. Yes, it turns out that cycles can be consumed by tenths or even hundredths. It was this aspect that confused users. Now, most people sincerely believe that charging a smartphone to 100% can harm it, which, of course, is not true.
Charge up to 80% – really lets you use less than one charge cycle. That is why Tesla electric vehicles have a special mechanism that stops charging when this mark is reached. According to Elon Musk, this is the optimal level at which the car can travel a lot, and the load on its battery is minimal. Just don't confuse an electric car and a smartphone, which has a battery hundreds of times less.
What you need to know about charging your smartphone
Any charge will wear out the battery. Simply, if you charge your smartphone less, you will not use it with convenience.
Let's explain on fingers and in thesis why charging a smartphone to 80% simply does not make sense in the long run:
- The average smartphone is designed for about 500 charge cycles, after which its capacity will begin to decrease. After that, it will no longer be able to provide the same autonomy as before, and surges in processor voltage will provoke its reboots.
- If you charge your smartphone from 0 to 100% every day, you will have enough of it for almost a year and a half. Just imagine – a year and a half! But if you charge your smartphone at least every other day, then its wear will come no earlier than in three years. By that time, you will probably change it to a new one. Therefore, it makes no sense to save battery life.
- By charging your smartphone from 20 to 80% or from 30 to 70%, although you reduce its wear and tear, you have to charge your smartphone more often. That is, if I charge my device from zero to one hundred, it will work for 3 whole days in a row. But if I charge it from 20 to 80%, then one and a half to two times less. This means that it will have to be charged more.
Charging up to 100% not only does not harm the smartphone more than it should be, because one such session reduces the number of available cycles by exactly 1, but also allows you to charge the device less often. But for some reason many people think that in this case there is a danger of 'overcharging'. But this, of course, is complete nonsense, because the battery will not lose more than one cycle per charge. For myself, I clearly understood that charging a smartphone every evening does not appeal to me, so I’d better lose over a whole cycle, but not depend on the outlet. Moreover, after 500 cycles, my smartphone will already bother me, and I'll just buy a new one.