The Harmony OS platform, which Huawei introduced a year ago and which industry experts managed to christen an alternative Android, has practically ceased to flicker in the information field lately. Either the Chinese decided to slightly reduce the intensity of passions so as not to instill false hopes in users ahead of time, or the users themselves calmed down, realizing that even without Google Play smartphones Huawei on Android can work quite well. But, be that as it may, work on the development of Harmony OS did not stop and continues to this day.
Huawei did not forget about Harmony OS and continues to develop it
Huawei is indeed continuing to improve Harmony OS and is committed to bringing all of its devices to this platform as a top priority. The head of the consumer sector Huawei Yu Chengdong admitted this. According to him, the company's developers and engineers are already testing Harmony OS on smartphones, tablets and smart home devices. But if the release of these gadgets is still in question, then everything is absolutely clear with a smart watch Huawei on Harmony OS, the top manager emphasized, promising to bring them on sale in the near future.
Smart watches on Harmony OS
Huawei plans to release the first smartwatch on Harmony OS
Despite the fact that initially it was expected that Huawei will release its first smartwatch on Harmony OS at the end of last year, this somehow did not happen. Nevertheless, now everything is ready to bring the wearable device to the market and show him that the world has not come together in a wedge only on platforms Apple and Google. When exactly the watch will be released, Chengdong did not specify, making it clear only that the release will take place very soon. And, given that the next official event Huawei will be held in September, then it is most likely worth focusing on it.
In general, the launch of a smart watch on Harmony OS promises to mark a new milestone in the distribution of the proprietary platform Huawei. According to Chengdong, the company has planned a large-scale expansion of the operating system market, hoping to launch computers, tablets, smartphones and even Internet of Things gadgets based on Harmony OS in the foreseeable future. In general, Chengdong emphasized, Huawei expects Harmony OS to become a global operating system that will redistribute the market and capture a significant share for itself.
Smartphones Huawei with Harmony OS
Huawei makes its own ecosystem, and this is the most correct development scenario
Obviously, the foreseeable future for Huawei is 3-5 years. The fact is that the company took exactly one year to optimize the Harmony OS, which was initially launched only on TVs, for smart watches. But the technical and functional arrangement of smartphones, tablets and computers is much more complicated. Therefore, even if the developers Huawei put optimization on the stream, the release of the brand's own smartphones on its own OS will probably take place no earlier than 2022.
We have already announced that in September Huawei will hold a conference Huawei Developers Conference, within which it will present Harmony OS 2.0. It is not known for certain exactly what innovations the updated OS assembly will bring, but you can count on expanded compatibility to be the key change. At least with regard to smartwatches and possibly partly smartphones. Still, branded gadgets Huawei must be able to work in pairs and synchronize information that each of them processes in isolation from each other.