How to usefully quarantine and not get bored

Did you hear the president declared next week a non-working week for everyone? Although many people hardly work remotely anyway, now it will be possible to relax altogether. But what to do during this time? Someone will continue to buy buckwheat, others will figure out what to buy more, and still others will just lie around and clog the traffic of online cinemas. I can offer you several ways to spend your time profitably, but in a way that is not boring. In the end, the quarantine will end, you will have to go to work (many for a new one) and the skills will come in handy. We never have time for ourselves. Now they gave it to us.

How to usefully quarantine and not get bored

You can be bored like a cat, or you can waste time usefully.

For those who do not want to strain and just want to relax, I can suggest just finding an interesting series for themselves and going through the seasons of the episodes that were filmed. Well, or read a book that I have been planning for a long time. You can also buy a game for the console, which are now everywhere at a discount, and play it. This is also a great pastime. Moreover, there is always no time for this either.

Training courses

Now, as never before, there are many different courses that can be bought very inexpensively, or even downloaded for free. For example, sites like Udemy, Geekbrains, kwork and others. Moreover, they also understand that now they have something to interest people with, and they make very decent discounts on video courses.

Here are some links to courses that were on sale at the time of publication. But you can look for other options. All portals have a search to find what you need.

  • Photoshop Courses
  • Copywriting courses
  • Video editing courses
  • Photography courses
  • YouTube Courses

There are many other courses, but investing in yourself is always a pleasure. If you don't believe such sites, you can always find many other training materials on the net. Including on YouTube. The main thing is that you want to study it and it is interesting for you.

Just remember that almost all free courses are needed in order to lure you into paid ones. Here you just need to be strictly aware of this. If you understand that you have not been given anything, you should not pay money. In many cases, you can get information from a free course, and then go to develop the topic in other places. As a result, you will not pay a single ruble.

How to usefully quarantine and not get bored

Learning a language is always beneficial.

Learning languages

One of the best ways to learn a language is with a tutor. Of course, you need to find a good tutor, but this will only help the brute force method or recommendations. Only with a tutor can you practice disciplined. When studying on your own, there is always a high risk of postponing a lesson or skipping it altogether.

If you have no problem with this, you can try learning the language yourself. To do this, you can try special applications like LinguaLeo, Duolingo and others. You can also listen to podcasts in English or watch videos with subtitles. For that in general, as they say, all YouTube is in your hands.

There are many options, but one must understand that memorizing words will not give the same effect as immersion, albeit small. To do this, you need to listen to how people speak, but rather speak yourself. I remember one piece of advice from an experienced person on how to learn to navigate well in numbers. You just need to read out the license plates on the road in transport or while driving. So the understanding of the numbers will immediately come. The same principle should be used to learn words. Not just read them, but also analyze them.

The photo

Even sitting at home, you can take up photography. If you have an old camera, then that's enough. If it is not there, a smartphone will do, but you can not only understand how the shutter works, what the shutter speed is and what kind of exposure should be chosen, but also train the sense of the frame.

How to usefully quarantine and not get bored

Even by shooting with a smartphone, you can learn to shoot professionally.

Just experiment and see what kind of photos you get. Many people find their corporate identity this way and become cool photographers. After that, they begin to make money on their hobby. It should be noted that self-taught photographers often come up with something new. They are not blinded to ready-made schemes and experiment a lot more. If you want to take pictures with a smartphone, not so long ago I talked about several inexpensive smartphones with a good camera.

How to find your hobby

Everyone has a hobby. Even if he does not know that he has it, he still has it. It's just what you love to do and what you enjoy doing in your free time. It sounds logical, but not everyone understands this and says that they have no hobbies, and all weekend they make clay pots.

If you have a hobby, you can devote more time to it. And at the same time think about whether it can benefit someone. For example, you enjoy making cakes. If you are good at it, they can be made to order. Are you great with a hacksaw and chisel? Everyone needs carpenters. Do you know how to photograph? Earn on stocks.

There are many examples. All people love something, and given the frenzied demand for everything, you can try to monetize it.

How to usefully quarantine and not get bored

Collecting such a car from matches is also a hobby.

How to make your own YouTube channel

Anyone who knows how to talk and who has something to tell people can try his hand at YouTube. You don't need anything for this. You register a Google account and you can upload videos. The views will go by themselves. A couple of hype themes are enough for stimulation. Further, if a person is interesting to the audience, they will go to look at him.

The main thing is to understand that this is not a way to make millions for “blah blah” on camera. In order for YouTube to bring at least some decent money, it must be done work and devote at least six to seven hours a day to it. At first it should be a hobby, and then it will already be seen.

Clean up your computer

Well, and one more piece of advice, personally from me. I did this last weekend and was very pleased. I cleaned my computer. It always seemed to me that I didn't store too much, but when I took out all my SSD and HDD I realized that I was wrong. If you don't know what the difference is and how much better an SSD is than an HDD at a comparable cost, here is an interesting article on this topic.

Even if you always delete everything unnecessary, you can still find a couple of unnecessary folders on the backup disk. It is very pleasant to remove them. It's like throwing trash out of your house in the spring. Somehow it becomes very fresh.

Everyone will choose an activity for themselves, but I will give you a couple of ideas for what to do. Personally, I'm going to do some of the above. I advise you to think about it too. This way you will spend your time with interest and benefit. It's better than wasting your time on nonsense.

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