Updates Android – of course when they reach users – are installed very quickly and easily. In most cases, the installation can take place at night while the user is still asleep. It will be enough in advance, as on iOS, to enable the corresponding function, confirm the upcoming update by entering a password, and connect the device to charging. As a result, in the morning you will have to enter the access password again in order to complete the application of the changes and get the updated device. However, even if this is not done, the update process will still be quick and easy and will not have time to bother you. The only pity is that this is not always the case.
Android 11 will speed up smartphone updates
The method for installing new versions Android described above is called a seamless update. It assumes the use of A / B markup. This means that the device has two system partitions. The first contains the already installed firmware, which ensures the operability of the device, and the second is used as a temporary storage for system updates that are installed without interfering with the main platform. And when the device reboots, castling takes place and the update takes up the main partition. In this case, the software base that was the main one is then removed and does not take up space on the device.
Seamless update Android
A / B markup allows Android to update faster, but not all smartphones support it
This creates a sense of seamless update. That is, the user does not see the screen “Android is upgrading …” and is not forced to wait 10-15 minutes for all system components to be unpacked and the changes take effect. Thanks to the A \ B-markup, the update lasts a maximum of 2-3 minutes, which, firstly, significantly saves time and does not annoy the user, and, secondly, allows you to use the device during the update until the moment you reboot. Moreover, if now you cannot allow your smartphone to restart, you can simply postpone this procedure and continue doing important things.
It would seem that since everything is so convenient and logical, are there really those who still do not use A / B markup? It turns out there is. One such conservative looking to update their smartphones the old fashioned way is Samsung. All brand devices operating under control Android are still being updated according to the full cycle method. Because of this, many users of Samsung smartphones and tablets even prefer not to update them or delay the process until the last. Still, very few people want to just cuckoo over the apparatus, which is in a coma, for 10-15 minutes.
Why install Android 11
After updating to Android 11, the installation of all subsequent updates will be faster
Fortunately, Google announced that in Android 11, the only option to update the device would be a seamless update. That is, all manufacturers, regardless of whether they want it or not, will be forced to implement A / B markup and thereby reduce the time it takes for the device to install the update. Of course, this will require some effort on the part of developers, especially since Samsung, for example, work on the basis of its own shell, which means that it will have to be adapted in a special way. But, one way or another, everyone will benefit from this: users will be more willing to install fresh updates, and Samsung will be able to maintain its reputation as a manufacturer of safe technology.
Why does Google need it? Oddly enough, for the same reason why Samsung needs it, although the latter stubbornly pretends that it does not understand this. After all, if users do not want to install fresh versions Android, fragmentation increases, and the share of the most current OS build does not grow so rapidly. As a result, not very nice numbers are obtained in the reports, the authority of the platform falls, and users themselves suffer from bugs, flaws and vulnerabilities of the previous version much more often simply because they are too lazy to spend 10-15 minutes updating.