Torrent has made it much easier to transfer and download files. If earlier you had to use ftp servers and mirror sites, today you just need to download the file and leave the torrent client running. More recently, the ability to use torrents has become available to Android users. What is the best torrent client for Android available on the web? The answer to this question can be obtained in this article.
Best Torrent Client for Android: Video
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Torrent programs for Android
Let's consider the main utilities that use the torrent system:
1. The first program is Аtorrent. Located at the link. Standard utility, absolutely free. Allows you to use the function of partial file download, download a file only via Wi-Fi networks, and more

2. The second is Smart torrent . On Google Play, located here. One of the best applications, with only one significant drawback – the utility is paid. The functionality is simply enormous and in terms of capabilities, this program is almost the same as the computer versions.

3. The third is Ttorrent . Link to it. It can be paid and free. An unremarkable application, in the free version the download speed does not exceed 250 KB / s.

4. The fourth is µTorrent . It is familiar to all computer users. Link to it. The utility is not overloaded with unnecessary functions, does not have a download speed limit and offers ample opportunities. UTorrent is completely free. This makes it the best choice for such purposes.

5. The fifth torrent program for Android – Flud. You can download it here. The youngest torrent client, however, has an impressive feature set, although some are still under development. The interface of the application is very simple, even a person who first encountered such utilities, and the Android system, can figure out what's what without any problems. The paid version has no intrusive ads. Flud is the main competitor to utorrent. The main drawback of the former is annoying ads in the free version.
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How to use Torrent systems in Android devices
The first thing to do is to have a program for downloading torrent files for Android installed on the system. You can also use the standard utility, but it is better to give preference to one of the options, of which there are a lot in Google Play.
Next, you need to find the necessary information on torrent trackers and download the link as a TORRENT file. After that, run it in one of the programs described above. The download time depends on the number of people who have the client and network restrictions.
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