Exchange trading with Android: how to install and configure QUIK

Exchange trading QUIK is a software package for online exchange trading. With this application, you can receive information from the broker's server about asset quotes, as well as take part in transactions: buy and sell securities, derivatives and currencies, enter and withdraw market, limit orders and stop orders.

How to get started

Trading on the QUIK platform is available only to licensed trading participants, therefore, an individual needs to use a broker server to make transactions. Before starting work, anyone can use a demo version of the program – as a rule, it is available on the intermediary's website.

The application can only be used if it is connected to the Internet.

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> Installation steps

Here's how to proceed:

  1. Obtain from your reseller the data required to create a QUIK Workstation Android. To get started, the broker must provide you with two access keys – a public and a secret, plus the parameters for connecting to the broker's server.
  2. Check for free space to install the program on your device.
  3. Download QUIK for Android on Google Play, Play Market or on the website of a brokerage company.
  4. If the installation of the application does not start automatically, install the application using the distribution kit manually – for this you need to run the distribution kit with the .exe resolution.
  5. Configure the required settings.

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Setup steps

QUIKAfter the first launch of the program, a folder named QUIK will appear on the device. It is with its help that we will set the settings.

  1. Exit the application and connect the device to a personal computer in the hard disk access mode.
  2. Find the QUIK folder on the device and copy two files with keys into it.
  3. If you have an ip.cfg file, add it to that folder as well.
  4. Re-enter the program and make sure that the correct address of the broker server is specified in the connection parameters.
  5. Add new connection parameters as needed.
  6. Come up with a username and password, establish a connection.

The LED at the top of the screen in the Connection pane should be green.

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Connection setup

There are two methods of connecting to the server:

  • Through parameters.

Give the connection a name, enter IP, port number, public key and click 'Save'. (Please ask your broker for all necessary data).

  • Using ip.cfg.

Sometimes the ip-addresses for connecting to the QUIK server are placed in ip.cfg. To use this file, download and save it to your device. Run the QUIK application Android. Select a server in the 'Connection' window, enter your username and password and click the 'Login' button. If the data is entered correctly, the main menu will appear on the screen.

More detailed instructions for installing, configuring and using the QUIK application for Android can be found here.

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